About us

What can we do for you?
We provide frequency management and regulatory expertise for telecommunication regulatory authorities, companies and equipment manufacturers world wide in the following areas:
- Development of Telecommunication regulations;
- Frequency Management issues for all kinds of wireless communication;
- Frequency management and standards for Short Range Radio Devices (SRD);
- Regulatory aspects related to SRDs;
- Regulation and worldwide frequency coordination for satellite communication networks;
- Regulation and worldwide frequency coordination for mobile communication networks;
- European standards development for telecommunications equipment;
- European frequency designation process for telecommunications systems;
- Implementation of R&TTE Directive, market surveillance and enforcement, staff training;
- Licensing and authorization regime for telecommunication systems and applications;
- EU related telecommunication matters, evaluation of EU regulations;
- Frequency management and regulatory aspects of Maritime communications;
- International telecommunication regulations within the ITU context;
- ITU radio regulatory process, World Radiocommunication Conferences;
- Monitoring systems and services;
- Assistance on dispute resolution in telecommunication regulatory matters;
- Assistance in implementing the EU telecommunication regulations.
Our Team

Fatih Mehmet Yurdal
Managing Director at Bolt and Yurdal Consulting ApS
fmyurdal@yurdalconsult.com +45 29801652
Borne in 1954, Fatih M. Yurdal completed BSc degree in Physics Engineering at the Hacettepe University in Türkiye, and MSC degree in Satellite Communications Engineering at the University of Surrey in the UK. He speaks fluent Turkish as the mother tongue and fluent English.
He spent 36 years in the field of radio spectrum management in a number of disciplines. His long-lasting experience covers mainly the radio regulatory matters for all kinds of telecommunication systems, as well as telecommunication market related issues.
He worked 14 years for the former Turkish Radiocommunication Regulatory Authority in posts from senior engineer to Deputy Director General. He served as the Director General and CEO of the "incumbent telecommunications operator Türk Telekom AŞ". He established the independent "Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK)" of Türkiye as the founder-President and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
During his appointments in Türkiye, Fatih M. Yurdal was involved mainly in the preparation of National Frequency Plan (NFP); Adoption of the first EU compatible secondary legislation on "standards, type approval, licensing, free circulation and market surveillance of radiocommunication equipment"; Setting up of the "National Spectrum Monitoring System"; Setting up of a modern test laboratory within the Authority.
He chaired two ITU World conferences, namely, World Radiocommunication Conference held in Istanbul/ Türkiye in 2000 (WRC-2000) and the World Telecommunication Development Conference also held in Istanbul/ Türkiye in 2002 (WTDC-02), and he was awarded with silver and gold medals by ITU.
After completing his carrier in the Turkish regulatory environment, Fatih M. Yurdal moved to the European Communications Office (ECO) in Copenhagen as Expert for "Frequency Management and Regulatory Affairs". He served for ECO for more than 8 years until he completed his two terms and left the Office in 2010. In addition to his other duties in ECO, he was also responsible for relations with Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC) and Telecommunications Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Committee (TCAM) of the European Commission and for relations with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
After leaving ECO in 2010, he established his own consultancy company "Bolt & Yurdal Consulting ApS" in Denmark, and has been working as a consultant in the field of telecommunication regulations since then.
On the ITU level: He participated all ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences up to WRC-19 (WRC-93, WRC-97, WRC-2000, WRC-03, WRC-07, WRC-12, WRC-15 and WRC/19), either as the head of Turkish delegation, or ECO representative or representing the sector members. He also participated some of the Plenipotentiary Conferences, Telecommunication Standardisation Assemblies and World Telecommunication Development Conferences of the ITU.
On the CEPT level: He's been a permanent participant for WG FM, WG SE and WG CPG for many years. He served as the chairman of Short Range Devices Maintenance Group (SRD/MG) of CEPT Working Group Frequency Management (WG FM) for 7 years (2004-2010) and as the chairman of PT SE24 CEPT Working Group Spectrum Engineering (WG SE) for 7 years (2015-2022), which are responsible for SRD regulations in Europe. He was involved in the development of many CEPT/ECC Reports, Recommendations and Decisions.
On the EC Level: During his term at ECO, Fatih M. Yurdal was responsible for the relations between CEPT countries and European Commission. He participated many Radio Spectrum Committee meetings of the EC together with the ECC chairman. He was also the permanent representative of CEPT in TCAM Committee of EC.
On the ETSI level: He is a permanent participant of ETSI TC ERM, TC SES, TG UWB, TG SRR, TG28, WG HARM and WG SCN. He was/is involved in developing a number of technical reports (SRdoc) and harmonised European Standards (HEN) for radiocommunication equipment.

Marc Le Devendec
Spectrum Expert at Bolt and Yurdal Consulting ApS
mledevendec@yurdalconsult.com +45 20 99 24 49
More than 25 years of experience in the field of spectrum management, providing support to administrations and organisations in the field of radio telecommunication regulations.
Born in 1972, Marc Le Devendec completed an engineering diploma in Telecommunications at Ecole Nationale des Telecommunications de Brest (ENSTBr) and a Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies at Universitee de Brest Occidendale (UBO).
He spent 5 year (1998-2004) at ANFR (the French spectrum regulator) as a spectrum engineer participating to ETSI, ECC and ITU-R meetings. He was in charge of the development of the SEAMCAT compatibility tool for the French regulator. He acted as a CEPT coordinator for one agenda item at the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) 2003.
He was hired by the ECO (former ERO) as an expert (2004 - 2009) to work
in the field of the Digital Dividend and worked as a CEPT representative
in the group dealing with the technical preparation of the Regional
Radiocommunication Conference (RRC) in 2004 and 2006. He was also
chairing SE24 dealing with short range devices during 8 years.
In 2009, he was nominated Deputy Director of the ECO where he lead the development of the new web site an manage also the development of communication documents such as the Annual Reports or document dealing with the regulations in Europe. He was also in charge of developing the templates for the ECC documents (Decision, Recommendation, Report), which are still used today.
After leaving ECO in 2012, he joined the consultancy company "Bolt & Yurdal Consulting ApS" in Denmark, and has been working as a consultant in the field of telecommunication regulations since then.
He has been providing support to various organisations and also to administrations.
Today, he is involved in the development of various Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) Reports. Latest published document is ECC Report 343.
For specific requests, he has developed technical reports dealing with compatibility issues.
He acted as a technical Expert for ETSI project STF 541 dealing with Signal interferer handling leading to the publication of ETSI TS 103 567.
He is currently rapporteur for the development of DEN/ERM-TG28-561 (EN 303 659) dealing with networked SRDs in 865-868 MHz and 915-919.4 MHz in the framework of ETSI TG28.
He is participating to various meetings in CEPT (SE24, SRD-MG (Short Range Devices), FM44 (satellite)) and ETSI (TG 28 and ERM).
After leaving ECO in 2010, he established his own consultancy company "Bolt & Yurdal Consulting ApS" in Denmark, and has been working as a consultant in the field of telecommunication regulations since then.
He is familiar with SEAMCAT (following the development of the tool since 1998), Matlab, R (a tool to work with Data Basis) and with some of the ITU-R BR space tools (Space Cap and Space Pub).
Marc is fluent in French and English, hold a PD3 in Danish and is a beginner in Spanish and German.
We have been or are working with various organisations and administrations: Saudi Arabia, ETSI, DECT Forum, APWPT (wireless microphone), Viasat, LoRa Alliance...
Review of the licensing and assignment processes for the CITC (Communications and Information Technology Commission) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
In the framework of a project led by MSI dealing with the review of the regulatory framework in Saudi Arabia including the update of the national table of frequencies, revision of the licensing fees, review of the licensing policy), BoY has been reviewing the licensing and assignment processes in order to propose revisions based on the "best practices" found in other countries. In addition, solutions were proposed in order to address the congestion issues reported by the CITC in some bands (PMR, Fixed Services...).
Frequency designation for Medical Body Area Network System (MBANS)
BoY assisted to Philips (The Netherlands) to develop a European regulation and to have the necessary frequency band designated for the operations of MBANS system in Europe. A system reference document has been developed and approved by ETSI (by ERM TG30), a regulation was developed by CEPT/ECC (SRD/MG group) which was included in ERC Recommendation 70-03. The band 2483.5-2500 MHz was designated to MBANS at the end of these studies. Finally, a harmonised standard (EN 303 203) was developed and approved by ERM which was published in December 2014.

Bolt and Yurdal ApS is full member of ETSI.

Contact us
Fatih Mehmet Yurdal: fmyurdal@yurdalconsult.com / + 45 29 80 16 52
Marc Le Devendec: mledevendec@yurdalconsult.com / + 45 20 99 24 43
Address: Dysseaasen 4, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark
Phone: + 45 29 80 16 52